As the title suggests, it may sound obvious but outside tiling is best done during the warmer dryer months of the year. From mid spring onwards, we get calls from across Glasgow and further afield from customers looking to have their front door vestibules and front door steps re-tiled. We get calls from customers who want the front path leading up to their homes re-tiled and restored.
Basically if it involves tiling and it is outside, we get enquiries about it.
Now an obvious reason for this is that in the summer, you are outside in the garden more and more and naturally, you start to look at improvements that you could make to the garden, including the tiled patio, front path etc.
So if you are reading this whilst outside your Glasgow home and thinking – you know what, maybe I should get this tiled area restored. It is beginning to look a bit shabby.
Then call us today. You will always find a warm and friendly voice on the other end.